At $999, the Core 2 Extreme QX6700 will likely end up in only the most expensive of desktops, but the fact is that the multicore revolution is fully upon us. We found that with certain applications, Apple's high-end designer box is faster.

We suspect that professionals and forward-looking gamers will be most interested in quad-core chips, and of the pros, the digital-media editors might not want to get rid of their Mac Pro's just yet. And if you're still stuck doing only one thing at a time on your desktop, the QX6700's promise for single-application performance is large, as well. Don't let the "Core 2" fool you (great job, Intel Product Naming department), this new chip has four physical processing cores in it that make it a multitasking beast.

Welcome to quad core, by way of Intel's Core 2 Extreme QX6700. Barely wrapped your brain around dual-core processors? It only gets worse from here, folks.